Friday, 10 February 2012

Splendid creatures my friends

Joys emerges where your friends are there

Stretching, twisting and pacing in anticipation on who is going to call next.  Their phone is always on guard. These dusky Jewels are eager to have a conversation. I call it addiction of a phone call, simply amazed at the speed they pick-up the phone while driving, eating, sleeping, showering, Outside, inside, at the restaurants, theatres, anywhere and everywhere.
These spunky Jewel friends of mine simply go all out for that RING...RING..., feeding their addiction of a conversation... Such a proud full look in their eyes sends a gleam of pride to my direction as if they successfully conquered their quests.
Once lunch has been served, the phone stares at them, taking a snooze. There is a pattern in the afternoons: the phone RINGS... and RINGS.
That is the story of my beautiful, worthy Jewels friends, retreating for the night to the comfort of a recliner, watching television between lapses into shallow sleeps, seeking warmth and attention from phone FIX...
Their day is in completion; full of interactions...
What a day! The phone is very, very, tired. 
Oct 11, 2011


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