Saturday, 19 March 2016

One Early Morning.

One early morning I sat in the hot tub's of Eselen .
I watched the Moon rise high into the sky just as
The sun began to spill above the horizon. I gazed
straight up into the sky still sparkling with stars,
I lowered my Eyes to include the ocean.
 What a magnificent sight! looking at the wells
on their way to Alaska.
It is if the two opposites of night and day have
Merged just for a moment in time, that is when I felt
Suspended between the two, what an awesome feeling
When all is quieter and serene. only I and my God!
Listening to the music of the waves. crashing across
 The rocks and sand, the change happen so fast.
Hear I am with God observing the calm,
The storm, day and night!
Thank you God for allowing me the privilege
Of sharing with me this master  beauty.
And just when the sun began its climb
And the Moon disappeared and the stars no more
There is a apace between where you feel everything
And nothing ,a time when you choose witch
 Direction   YOU ARE GOING!
Take control of your innersole and know
Where you are going.
YB.      19/03/2016.   

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