Thursday, 7 March 2013

Committing the Golden Rule to Life not to memorys

My soul, spirit and heart in harmony
It takes the whole of life to master living.
I am somehow learning, that my journey is not
Completed, the last Paige is not written yet.
I steel have the faith that tomorrow will shine
My soul is a wondrous thing, it will clime up.

This inner progressiveness of understanding
Between my spirit,   and soul.  two parts of me
Is the  most beautiful thing; I found-it by looking
For it passionately, wishing for it, dreaming about it.
I know it needs a divine interference for it to happen.

I am glad that I kept day dreaming  about it.
Perhaps  that's  the way I  projected  that divine
Interference to be part of my life, it  is a privilege
To welcome you in to my life I never knew that
Such a power could exist until the day I embraced-it

I am longing for my mother, lord! she is with you
Take care of my Mama, she is in my heart for ever
I know that I am in the Presence of a divine power
Who would support me and make my life more complete
than I ever dreamt it could be. Thank you God.

I turned to you for trust, and you give it openly to me
I look to you for hope, and faith, and you give me the
Answers , encouragement , inspiration, when I am down
You lift my spirit  up and take my thoughts to places
Where my troubles seems so much further away,
Tomorrows  golden Rule. will be to my life,  not to  memory's;


March 7 2013

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