Sunday, 24 February 2013

Could I package faith

Somehow, out of all what I experiment in my  life
All the opportunity's of each day that could
have slowly shaped my life as dripping water
Shapes the stone  
Could I package faith

God have send my way a lot of them, I have
 Missed It all. courage makes everything looks clear
It almost seems like I was given a meant to be
Moment when everything felt clear and calm
The day I choose to live my X the abuser..

That turned out to mean the world to my self esteem.
To the one person I consider to be my care giver Me...
The most wonderful of all things in life is LOVE...
Of family, children, loved ones. whom one can
Have a  relationship of trust, the  privilege of having

Them in your life to share a glowing, depth, beauty,
And joy. perhaps in  one of  my  future life's...
Mr God I'm so often at a loss of finding  words,
To tell you how much I am disappointed in the path,
I have taken, in my imagination I wish for sunshine.
And  package of faith...


24 Feb; 2013

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