Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Play with me.

Let us play!

Hi, can you play with me? "No," said the girl.
Why? Why can't you? I am frozen in time for many years.

So let's thaw you out in the sun. No, said the child.

I may melt out of pain.... let's do it slowly and gently.

Can you bring my mom to thaw me with love...
No, I can't, but we can pretend. Close your eyes.

Look up into the heaven, give yourself a hug.

I did, I actually remember feeling delighted and
Peacefully opening my heart to my child within.

As I lifted my head up above, a tear drop fell down my face.

The wind caressed my cheeks; it whispered to me,
with a mom-like voice, you are beautiful, you are delightful.

Why don't I feel it? To feel it, you must plant the seed.

Give it water, sun light, nourishment, love as a mother would.

Tears drop down my face again; no one was there to wipe it.

Lonely is the path...... that was the day I became my own mother.

That is what girls who don't have mothers should do: Become their own mother with tender loving and respecting the child within.

My beautiful Mother and i
Two years old
Take care of your inner child as if she was your own child.......

November 1996

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