keep toxic people away from you |
It is to late they are brain washed and they don't
know-it , You will never fit in there family life
They were raised not having you as part of there
Family , they don't want to welcome you to there
Home not for holidays or birthdays or any family
Gathering . can you live with that? you are just a
Stranger. girl you must go quietly in to the night
After two years of trying really hard
It is not working for me , wouldn't except
To be treated like an outsider? that is the way
They want to treat me . unacceptable to me .
I am me! and I don't base my self worth
On the view of people who treat me as if I am
A contagious daises . not even my family
I don't have to be other than me to be worthy
My worthiness is just for being me! yolland!
I am a core of love, inner goodness, and a special
Beautiful light, and any one who doesn't see
Me in that light! please stay away from me.
Loving my self is not a one time event ,
It is a life time exercise, and an endless going
Process of hard work for life. it is up to you yolland !
Rap your self with a blanket of affection, respect, and
appreciation, begin every new day with reminding
your self of your wordiness over and over again
Get emotionally honest with your self and be guided
By your intuition.
All of the answers comes from within, from
your gut. learn from your mistakes and your past
And move forward to the tomorrows. do what Honor's
And respect you! don't allow toxic people to bring you
Down even if the are family loved ones and friends.
Love them all ! but be choosy of whom is welcome
In to your world, and your life no place for ABUSE!
October 2013