Monday, 31 December 2012

May we have PEACE on earth

Every life has its value!  Joy to the world,
  May we have  peace on earth. 
There is hope ! There is hope..

We humans must have in our heart Joy of the world that we live in.
We have times of darkened days, and cheerful days, our
Happiness comes from choosing to help our fellow humans.
Glory to those who believes in the highest form of peace on earth,
Among men. let us pull together and pray for peace.
Let our hearts fell with love and compassion, and let-it flow
From one heart to another, that will be my prayer gift, to the world.
For 2013... life is a precious gift to all.
Let us have faith,  and make our self necessary to someone in need

May we have peace on Earth

Dec 31 2012


Saturday, 29 December 2012

Thank you Sid Pelston for an amezing wish to the World

A Ross from my garden to thank you!

Another Year of Memories We Take into 2013 

2012 meant countless, different things to each of us, 
hopefully some joys and not great sorrow.
But whatever sadness and challenge the year brought,
let fate bring you an abundance of hope and joy tomorrow.
Did we learn anything new in the year soon to be in our past?
One thing is cherish what we hold dear to help make it last. 
My wish for my friends, my family and those I barely know
Is to think positive and make the best of whatever direction we go.  
I believe we are blessed with our own uniqueness, and have great value.

We can make tomorrow better than all of our yesterdays.
In these troubled times for so many, we can offer our support,
Lend a helping hand,
be kind and know that people, whoever they are, matter.
I wish for you that your efforts, whatever they may be, are fruitful.

May some of what you seek become reality. may you and
Those you love have a future, of great fulfilment and sense
Of purpose..  Wishing you a truly rewarding 2013….

Friday, 21 December 2012

20 littel Angels and 6 gardian Angels

You are our  light
 That is  cutting
In   the  dark

This time,  when the world is in need of peace
Even God needs help sometimes.
So he called  up on his favorite children for help.
 He choose twenty little  Angels to be the sweet  feeling
 Behind the world, the light that will Gide us.

The strength behind all things, the compassion and love
For the infinite,  he choose  twenty Little ones and six
Teachers who are their guardian Angels.
 The ones who educated them, taught  them,
 Loved  them , took care of them at  school.

There Teachers,  there guardian's, there second parents.
With that  in my heart,  I  believe that  your most
Precious treasure,  your Little Baby's are not gone!
They are in all of our hearts. they are our  class of  Angels
Together with their  guardians.  we can see them , feel them,
And hear them. they will be the Angels within all of us.

For ever in our hearts and spirits!
They will be the   bridge to haven for humanity.
The class of Angels we lost physically, are with us in spirit.
They are helping God in his hard work to Gide us,
To put in our hearts and spirits the pure joy Angels feel.

Most heavenly thoughts, most serenity , and peace.
I cry with you,  I feel for you...
The parents, the family's, the school.
Newton..  thanks for giving humanity
A class of Angels and their guardian Angels to show
Us the path to good and no evil.  God chose them

 To Roam  in the havens as his class of Angels with there guardian Angels.
 To  spread good, compassion,  love, and peace in  our world.
But most of all to heal the world for all humankind
To the family's,  the  Parents,  the  friends of the class of Angels,
To sandy Hook School in Newton Connecticut, ,  our hearts are with
All of you..

Just a Canadian Mom

On  21 Dec 2012


Sunday, 16 December 2012

Friend, Angel

Dearest  Angel

I want to meet you Mr Angel.
I want my face to light up from your light.

I want my life to Heal Mr Angel.
When are you going to show up,
To introduce your self in my world,
you will be the only one,  whom
I may be sincere with, and share with you.

My feelings,  of shame , heart brake, and pain.
How I was  rejected by my Baby's,
Ya the ones I carried in my body, and give life to.
The heart eke that gos with-it is unbearable.
I am to a point of braking, help me dear Angel .

Friend Angel,  help me   understand,
How an evil man  their father can clam, to love them,
 But that is the only way, he knows how to love..
By hearting. mentally, physically,  emotionally, what a sick mind!
I want you to know every thing that I feel in my heart.

The pain, agony, shame, loneliness, anger, it is
Over whelming it drowns my spirit.
Dear Angel friend, I need you! help me  see the light,
The good, the  love, the  compassion, and  forgiveness
For all.   my baby's,  my X,  in my world, no evil.
I maid a mistake falling in love with  a monster, an evil man.

Please Angel knowing all of that can you steel  love me?
Can you  steel like me? for I feel unlikeable!
Who would like A women that even her children don't love her.
Perhaps you my friend Angel, could love me,  and like me.
I  thank you for being my friend, my guardian, and my voice.
You are the Angel within my heart...

Dec 16 2012

Friday, 14 December 2012

sing a song

the dance and music of life
Sing A song, to the wisdom of  my heart strings.
For that  wisdom , inside  my heart is whispering.
weak up!  this is the morning, of your life. the power
Is yours the sun  is shining bright in your world.

pluck at those  strings,   with the help of God.
A  harp, and violin tunes,   Dance!  the dance of  life.
Sing  songs  of  glory,  and pride , for  you are special.
You turned out to be! a survivor,  you are the best..
choose of who you  want around your World.d

Walk with them hand in hand.
Desire all which is in you.  desire all which is
Beyond every thing you dreamed  about.
Desire all that you thought you will never
Be able to achieve. for all  of it is  in you.

All the light  of the world is in your heart strings.
keep praying,  and Desiring,   perhaps your  karma
will walk you to the path... of  your  baby's  heart. and
That may bring him  and his children to your life.
It is the unbelievable dream.. it is in you.
In  your heart string.


14 DEC 2012

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Those who are hurt

The key to life love
Those who are hurt the most, 
Are the ones who care a lot.
For they are very sensitive,
I am thankful for the happy days,
That my faith,  and my  hopes,  allowed
Me to believe, that love will soften,
The heart of my child.
The courage  to dream,  the unbelievable dream.

And the faith, and hope, to appreciate
The miracle of Hanukah .
with my Sh and grand children
In my home.
That is a miracle of a sunrise ,
After waiting so long in the dark.
Life is a mystery!

Dec 2012 YB

Monday, 10 December 2012

Ardi Imseis Human rights Lawyer with no humanity in his heart!

Light up your heart! 

With no human rights,  for his mother,  and his children.

My son my Baby, for Each day passing by that I am not permitted
To see you, or my grand children.  slowly shapes my life.
As dripping water  shapes the mountain rocks .
baby!  as A human right lawyer, I am asking for your professional opinion.
What would you advice a mother, like me to do?

What would you advice children,  like your children, to do?

As a professional, how is it that you can not see the crime, that you are Committing
Preventing your children from having a grand mother. because she  is
JEWISH...and proud to be!
I like to meet your professors, at Colombia university. who taught you.

What would be their advice to you? can't teach some thing that
You don't practise your! you are wasting your abilities
To bring peace to your heart, make your life an art of love, let your
Baby's have there birth right, a grand mother. who wants to love them.
So the human right Lawyer! when are you going to practise what you are

 Preaching? I am asking you for help what would you advise me to do?
Be kind , and know that I am your Mother! that loves you.
who would love to meet my grandchildren that I love......


Dec;10 2012

Thursday, 6 December 2012

For my voice can speak now

For my voice can speak now!

The rules are written for a mother.!
Love your child, attend to him for life.
No matter what. I am not welcome to my
 Child's life, I am Jewish he is an Arab.....

You never expect that he will betray you,
That 2 pounds Baby that had to stay in the
Hospital 3 month after birth that Baby.
That you lived for days  and Ninth.  never left

His side held his tiny hands, rubbed his tiny body,
cradled him  in your arms inside the incubator.
I milked my Brest to feed him mothers milk.
that was my child the boy!  I loved more than life.

The boy! that  his Father didn't want me to have
 Wanted  nothing to do with us! wanted me to abort!
He didn't care about us or wanted to be part of our life's.

To  him we were just  the  durthy  Jews!
My Élan the premature baby I give birth too
He wounded and broke my heart and my soul .
 Took  all the Joy out of my life!

I curse his Father for tempering, with
the love between, a mother! and her son.
He taught  he is above God. he is the one.
Making the rules. he will reward himself,
By punishing me by Alienating my children
Took there birth right to have a MOTHER!  .

Michel Imseis  there is neither reward ,
Nor punishment,  in  this world for you.
your Karma! will follow you for eternity.
And I will love my boy for life....
That is what  Jewish Mothers do..



Sunday, 2 December 2012

Our rose is in Heaven

ROSE my friend your heart was so full
of goodness. your soul so pure, and your
Eyes, so bright, they will light every ones path.
your spirit will forever soak in heaven's rays.
She did more than
 listen she understood!
My friendship with you for ever will be  calibrated.
Having you As my friend,  was for me like
Walking  in a  clear day morning .
Thank God For the gift he gave me ! a Rose,
 Full of grace, and peace, charm, generosity, and love

And now I will walk with you in my heart.

The first time  you meat  me,  you new that
I was in need of a friend , you Handed me
Your hand.   and you invited me to your world.
Sweet lady; dearest of all Roses I thank you.

For ever friend,   you will be my Rose. in the
Garden of my heart. and soul my angel Rose..

Even now that you are busking in the  lights.
Of The heavens with all the angels around you.
If you happen to meet my Mama!
Tell her I love her, up  above the rainbow.
I will be looking for both of you....

For ever you will be tucked in my heart
For ever you will be in my memory's

Rose life  is a song  love is the music
And you my dear friend Had P.H.D
In both....

Dec; 2 2012